Registered Dietitians: An Amenity for Facilities


Registered Dietitians (RDs) have become a staple in long-term care facilities. Their knowledge and experience are used not only to convey instructions between a doctor and a resident’s facility care team, but their expertise can help promote added nutrition to long-term health.

In most cases, an RD is required in long-term care facilities. However, all care communities, like independent and assisted living facilities, can benefit from taping into an RDs knowledge and experience as an amenity to residents. An RD can have a unique combination of wellness, acute care, long-term care, and management expertise, which would be a valuable asset to any team. Registered Dietitians can develop lunch-and-learn workshops to teach residents how to incorporate nutrients into their daily diet, guided cooking demonstrations, and even one-on-one consultations. 

We asked three Registered Dietitians about their experience serving independent and assisted living communities, the unique advantages they bring to the role, and what facility leaders should know about adding RDs to their offerings. 

Use the tabs on the left to discover the different perspectives and benefits of having a Registered Dietitian in an assisted living community.

Safety & Sanitation
Dietary Guidance
Meal Satisfaction
Healthy Habits & Longevity

Francesca Goldstein

Director of Clinical Operations
Joined HCSG in December 2019

Registered Dietitians are knowledgeable in all areas of nutrition, including food safety and sanitation. The RD plays an integral role in identifying sanitation concerns within the kitchen to ensure the food served is safe. We visit assisted living facilities quarterly to assess and recommend changes to be implemented within their kitchens. 

Interested in learning how Healthcare Services Group can elevate your assisted living facility’s nutrition? Visit to learn more and connect with a team member.